Gluten Free Eating Directory of Australia

After my previous efforts to find Gluten Free items I am happy to share that there is a directory of Gluten Free Eating in Australia. Welcome to the Gluten Free Eating Directory … a comprehensive gluten free guide dedicated to making gluten free eating easier across Australia! Our established free-to-use website provides detailed information about…

Illawarra Food Reviews at Shellharbour Markets

After much deliberation I have decided to hire a stall at the Shellharbour Village Markets, starting on August 9th and once a month on the second Sunday thereafter. I will be selling gluten free biscotti, (chocolate biscotti and biscotti with pistachio), my world famous butter shortbread and some cannoli with a sweet ricotta cheese filling.…

Rosemary Stanton eco diet for South Coast NSW

Renowned Kangaroo Valley nutritionist Dr Rosemary Stanton will today call for the clock to be turned back and a return to locally farmed, organic foods. But this time she won’t be using a healthier diet or wealthier bank account as an incentive. Instead she will argue that returning to sustainable food systems is also necessary…

My Chocolate Shoppe Kiama!

My Chocolate Shoppe has moved! I was really sad when a comment was made on this blog that my favourite chocolate shop had closed down. Luckily I’m a wiz at research and found a listing in the White pages for My Chocolate Shoppe in Kiama. Yay! Yet one more reason to make the trek down…

Pomegranate – the superfood

Ever since the news article on Pomegranates as a superfood I have been eating them or drinking the juice at least once a month. Several of my photos of pomegranates have been used in magazine and newspaper articles around the world. One such article is by Avocado magazine which featured my heart shape made out…