I grew up with this mug in the cupboard and it reminds me that whatever you put to you lips does effect your body. Now, with being aware of my food allergies and sensitivities, I am more aware of food labelling and asking restaurants and cafes for a more detailed ingredient list.
I also enjoy taking photos of food just before it reaches my lips. I like to make that ‘instant’ last longer, and to share the amazing foodie experiences with my audience worldwide.
I am due to visit the Illawarra again soon to visit family and friends, so this is by no means the end of my foodie adventures. There are new restaurants and cafes opening all the time (and unfortunately closing) so I am sure to update where possible.
I will be adding some blog posts to Illawarra Food when I am sent emails and twitter messages informing me of upcoming evenets and workshops, etc. I would also welcome some guest posts by readers who have taken the time to journal their experiences in the Illawarra.
Warm regards,
Vanessa Pike-Russell