One of the products in our hamper giveaway is the @kintrafoods Matcha Green Tea 🍵. Click Here to enter the $50 hamper competition
Unlike other green tea that comes in tea bags, Kintra Foods Matcha Green Tea contains the full leaves ground into a fine powder. So you consume all the health benefits of the tea. One cup of matcha tea provides 3 times as much caffeine as a regular green tea, and half the caffeine of a small coffee ☕️ This means that matcha gives you the energy you need to start your day feeling alert, but without the jitters.
Matcha can help improve memory, boost the immune system, increase energy levels, and promotes a calm mind with L-Theanine.
If you have students working on exams at the moment, why not swap some of their coffee or other highly caffeinated beverages with matcha 🍵
Matcha tea’s caffeine is absorbed slower than other types of caffeine, giving you the benefit for hours afterwards 📚