I want to shoot the chef!
With a camera, that is. This isn’t a Mafioso style shooting but a photo which portrays the life of a chef. I have my wishlist for who I would like to photograph. One prominent Wollongong chef has already been contacted and I have some creative ideas starting to flow, backdrop and lighting plans already forming.
Whilst I wait with baited breath for their decision, I have decided to do some research and look through some of the past finalists and winners. Wow. What amazing artists. It is going to be so difficult to create a unique image when there has been such creativity and innovation in previous years. I had thought about using the clone technique where you photograph the one person in the same scene multiple times. Set the camera on a tripod and take a sequence of photographs of the person with the background the same for each shot, then merge the images into one seamless image. Unfortunately for me, there are a few such images in the galleries of Shoot the Chef finalists, including the one below by Sydney College of the Arts, Master of Documentary Photography candidate Niobe Syme with her picture Eight Yings Make Light Work.
